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Phone: 870-460-1448




B.S., Western Illinois University (2003)
M.S., Western Illinois University (2005)
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University (2010)


Teaching Interests
Wetland Ecology and Management
Decision Making in Natural Resource Management
Application in Science Writing


Current & On-going Research

  • 1) Movement ecology, migration, philopatry, and transmitter effects of overwintering duck populations –collaboration with Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Sitka Foundation, Tennessee Tech University, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Missouri Department of Conservation, Osage Basin Foundation, Bass Pro Shops, and private industry.
  • 2) Bottomland hardwood stand structure and composition influencing mallard habitat use. – collaboration with Five Oaks Ag Research & Education Center, Sturgis Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • 3) Lipid reserves and body condition of overwintering waterfowl in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley – collaboration with US Fish and Wildlife Service, Forbes Biological Station, Christian Brothers University, and Ducks Unlimited.
  • 4) Overwintering waterfowl use of climate-smart commodities from hardwood restoration for small and underserved landowners.
  • 5) Emergent marsh wetland: secretive marsh bird occupancy, remote sensing to assess vegetation change to drawdowns, and emergent marsh benefits to waterfowl. – collaboration with Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Joint Venture, Arkansas Audubon, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Recent Publications (ORCID

27.) Masto, N., A.G. Blake-Bradshaw, C. J. Highway, A. C. Keever, J. C. Feddersen, P.T. Link, H.M. Hagy, D.C. Osborne, and B. Cohen. In Review. Mallard pre-breeding migration strategies necessitate individual time-energy trade-offs despite wintering origins or migratory destinations. Submitted to Movement Ecology 25 July 2023.

26.) Dittmer, E.M., R.J. Askren, H.M. Hagy, A.J. Hitchcock, and D.C. Osborne. In Review. All sanctuaries are not created equal: variation in selection of public land sanctuaries by wintering mallards. Submitted to Journal of Wildlife Management 10 April 2023.  JWM-23-0095

25.) Hug, C., P. Saud, K. McKnight, and D.C. Osborne. In Press. Forest composition and red oak (Quercus sp.) response to elevation gradients across greentree reservoirs. Accepted 13 September to Forest Ecosystems.

24.) Moore, C.B., D.C. Osborne, L.G. Carlson, R.J. Askren, and M. Brasher. 2023. Distributional shifts of wintering midcontinent greater white‐fronted geese. Journal of Wildlife Management. e22401.

23.) Linder, T.J., K.E. Wallen, S.W. Manley, and D.C. Osborne. 2023. Rice Producer Enrollment and Retention in a Regional Conservation Partnership Program in the Southern United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.  

22.) Hargrove, G.M., and D.C. Osborne. 2022. First documentation of King Rail (Rallus elegans) reproduction in Arkansas since 2006. Waterbirds 46: 350-353.

21.) Spears, J.G., K.E. Wallen, and D.C. Osborne. 2022. Value similarity and trustworthiness predict support for waterfowl management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46:e1375.  

20.) Askren, R.J., E.R. Massey, J.D., James, and D.C. Osborne. 2022. Migration chronology and multi-scale habitat selection of wintering midcontinent greater white-fronted geese. Global Ecology and Conservation 39:e02290.  

19.) Masto, N., O. Robinson, M. Brasher, A. Blake-Bradshaw, C. Highway, A. Keever, J. Feddersen, H.M. Hagy, D.C. Osborne, D. Combs, and B. Cohen. 2022. Citizen science reveals waterfowl responses to extreme winter weather. Global Change Biology 28:5469-5479.   

18.) Martin, B.C., H.M. Hagy, R.J. Askren, and D.C. Osborne. 2022. Large-scale assessment of rapid monitoring methods for estimating moist-soil seed production. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13:144 –154; e1944-687X.  

17.) Walters, C.M., and D.C. Osborne. 2022. Occupancy patterns of wild turkeys altered by wild pigs. Wildlife Society Bulletin: Special Issue 12th National Wild Turkey Symposium 46:e.1266.  

16.) Wallen, K.E., J.G. Spears, T.J. Linder, and D.C. Osborne. 2020. Climate change beliefs among Arkansas waterfowl hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25: 498-501.

15.) Klimas, S.T., J.M. Osborn, D.C. Osborne, J.D. Lancaster, C.N. Jacques, A.P. Yetter, and H.M. Hagy. 2020. Body condition of spring-migrating green-winged teal (Anas crecca). Canadian Journal of Zoology 98: 96–104.

14.) Massey, E.R., L.G. Carlson, and D.C. Osborne. 2020. Temporal trends in body condition of arctic geese wintering in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.  Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11:11-21.

13.) Osborne, D.C., R.E. Wilson, L.G. Carlson, S.A. Sonsthagen, and S.L. Talbot. 2019. DNA sequencing confirms Tundra Bean Goose (Anser serrirpstris serrirostris) occurrence in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley in Arkansas, USA. Waterbirds 42: 333-342.
